Saturday, May 31, 2008

Poor Lindsey

From the Dann Hooper of the G-Ville news Lindsey Bush Graham (LBG) speech today wasn't exactly a luv fest for W:

"At his first mention of Bush's visit, Graham paused, waiting for applause. When it didn't come, it took a slight nod from Graham to prompt a round of applause. "President Bush is my friend," he continued, "and I'm not going to run away from the friend." Graham credited Bush with preventing additional attacks on the U.S. since 9/11, cutting taxes three times and successfully nominating Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court.
"History is going to judge him a lot better than everybody thinks," Graham predicted. "

Keep drinking the Kool Aid LBG, keep drinking...

Time to find out more about this Michael Cone fellow.

Evil republican ploy or insanity?

OK... so every no and then I pop onto Hillary's blog to see what's up... and for the past several mos. every blog seems to contain at least one post (usually several) singing the praises of Fox "News." Here is just a sample from a rather long thread going today extolling the virtues of Billo

RE: O'Reily's Show Last Night
Thank you so much for informing us of the O'Reily Show. Wow!! Good for him!! Finally someone stands up for Hillary, and gives NBC what they deserve, not to mention some of the others................ Yes, Bill O'Reily, we need you NOW!! Integrity, Honesty, maybe Bill O'Reily could be Hillary's VP - anyway, a HUGE THANK YOU TO BILL O'REILY for taking a stand. As a HILLARY SUPPORTER, I NEEDED THAT. THANK YOU SO MUCH. a concerned Ohioan

I am just wondering, Are these republican plants blogging on her site or do people really believe this crap? I mean I know the old saying " the enemy of your enemy os your friend" ... but come on people.... SOBER UP!