Thursday, June 5, 2008

Old Man yells at cloud

Has anyone but me noticed how many times McCain blinks. Seriously... the old dude blinks way too much.

Hey come to think of it in college I learned that when people blink a lot they are lying hmmmmm...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Presumptive Nominee Barack Obama

Ladies and Gentleman the next President of the United States... Barack Obama

Congress says Sandford Shmanford

How far out of touch is potential veep Sandford? In his ongoing effort to screw the poor, Sanford veto'd health insurance for children. He also veto's legal aid to the poor - unfortunately for Sandford this was overturned today 113-0, yes 113-0... to NOTHING

He rolled around the upstate Monday with other elected Rebubbacans speaking in support of his veto's, but hmmm seems congress didn't get the word.

McCain Dirty Tricks

Recently on my stops into HRC's land (the Hillblazer blog) I have noticed several posts telling people NOT to vote independant in the Fall election, that they needed to vote for McCain to make certain Obama loses. I have thought all along that a lot of the anger is spurred by rouge Republicans seeking to cause mischief.

Here is a copy of an alledged leaked memo posted I came across on Digg

So much for doing away with old way of doing things...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Gov. Sanford "busted" by The State

The State completely busts Potential VP canidate Sanford using some underhanded tactics

At a news conference last month, about a dozen State House candidates gathered to unveil a four-point pledge to change the way state government operates by lowering spending, changing the way judges are selected and passing ethics reform.
The pledge, they said, was modeled on the Contract With America that the GOP used to take control of Congress in the mid-1990s.
“I started kicking these ideas around and thought it might make sense to put them down in writing,” said Tom Davis, the former chief of staff to Gov. Mark Sanford, who is running for state Senate in Beaufort County.
The signers’ June 10 primary opponents say they were never offered a chance to review or sign the pledge, and skeptics say the contract is more evidence of a stealthy, coordinated effort to elect like-minded candidates by groups loyal to Sanford and funded by out-of-state money.
Oppsies... caught playing in the dirt Mr Sanford?

Voice of Light and Reason

During a fund-raiser in Denver, Obama --a former constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago Law School -- was asked what he hoped to accomplish during his first 100 days in office.
"I would call my attorney general in and review every single executive order issued by George Bush and overturn those laws or executive decisions that I feel violate the constitution," said Obama."

I know that a President who wants to follow the constitution shouldn't be shocking... But OMG... this nearly brought tears of joy to my eyes!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

SC's Scott Talley screw's the environment & spending?


I just saw an elect Talley commercial that brags about him driving home to his family in Spartanburg from Columbia every night. THE DUDE IS IN A SUBURBAN!!! How much freaking gas is that? I mean I know the republicans LUVVVVV the oil companies, but come on! Every day in a Suburban? Has he heard of the environment??? If he is that willing to blow his OWN money so wastefully, what is he going to do with our Money?????

His website even brags about this-
